
Hello my name Pacsy Mudi Pandiatama I will share my experience enjoyable, at that time I was with my friend Ario Gusti Rama, Alif, Hisham, and Fahri. Planned to climb the mountain before the National Exam, our planning to climb Mount Gede but three of my friends named Alif, Hisham, and Fahri cancel to come up the mountain because they lack equipment. Finally I and Ario still planning a mountain to climb but changed our goal to climb Mount Prau in Wonosobo, Central Java.
We left home the afternoon of 16:00 and we arrived at the base camp of the mountain Prau 06:00 hours because of the rain that we postpone the climb, after the rain stopped we rushed to start the climb on the way we also tell each other a lot of things, once we reached the place tent-making sudden torrential rains and we remain mendikira tent in the middle of very heavy rain so that our tent was full of mud and water. After that we clean up our tent Yag dirty and organize our gear after it is finished we make a lunch with corned beef soup menu.
We were there for three days we were there, many do a variety of things such as photos, share stories, listen to music, and much that we both do over Mount Prau, there is one sal I can not forget as long as I was there at the time of the morning I and Ario out of the tent I accidentally saw someone who was doing defecate, I and Ario laugh because it says "WOI BANG, not in senterin", for us there we very rarely get sunlight because when it is the rainy season, the our last day we waited a full peripheral right down the most beautiful things that we photograph the sunrise after the photo with a beautiful view of our direct Prau down from the mountain, it was a very pleasant experience for me because Ario who granted my wish to climb the mountain. That is my experience that fun for me.


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