Personal Describtion

Hi friends introduce my name Pacsy Pandiatama Quartermaster, I was 19 years old. I was born 03.12.1997. I have a hobby of playing games, listening music, swim and play soccer. I have three brothers. My brother who first named Hafiz Pandiatama, he was born on 27-10-2002, now Haafiz school in SMPN 254 ​​Kebagusan class, then my brother were both named Gibran Rizki Ramadhan, he was born 08/10/2007, Gibran school not due to cancer and my third brother named Tristan, he was born on 02.03.2012, he is now a kindergarten in Al-Hidayah.

I had a father and a mother named Judi Marsidi and Mufti Ning. My father came from Purbalingga and my mother came from Tanjung Priok. Now I am studying in Gunadarma University,I took the faculty of Economics majoring in Management.

Every family vacation we always take time for the holidays,
Our vacation to Ragunan most often because of the location which is close enough from home.
I really love mother,father and my sister.
My favorite color is blue because of the color indicates coolness.

My father has a hobby of playing golf he also likes to play tennis, my father also has a favorite fruit such as sapodilla, watermelon, and rambutan.My mother has a hobby of playing badminton, she also likes to eat bananas,my brother named Gibran has a hobby of fishing he was always lucky in terms of fishing, but after the disease getting worse, a hobby that has become compromised because of her physical condition.

My brother named Tristan very fond waching cartoons such as movie Thomas & friend.he is also very spoiled to his father and mother.My family is very meaningful to me, because they all have always supported me in the things that I do like to support me for the school to a higher level.

Thank you.


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