No. 7 Pengertian Determiner
Pengertian Determiner
Determiner adalah kata atau kelompok kata yang ditempatkan di depan noun untuk membatasi makna noun tersebut. Di traditional grammar, determiner sering disebut limiting adjective, walaupun berbeda maknanya dengan adjective biasa.
Penjelasan Determiner
Contoh Kalimat Determiner
General Determiner
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indefinite article (a atau an): membicarakan suatu hal secara umum dimana pendengar/pembaca tidak tau pasti yang mana yang dimaksudkan
He is looking for a job in Bali.
(Dia sedang mencari pekerjaan di Bali.) |
quantifier (many, few, little, some, any): menyatakan jumlah
Please give me a little water.
(Tolong beri saya sedikit air.) |
distributive (all, every, both)
All your books are on the table.
(Semua bukumu di atas meja.) |
difference word (other, another): membicarakan tambahan orang, benda,
atau hal |
May I have another shoes?
(Bolehkah saya mendapatkan sepatu yang lain?) |
Specific Determiner
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definite article (the): membicarakan noun yang diyakini pembaca/pendengar paham yang dimaksudkan
Did he enjoy the show?
(Apa dia menikmati pertunjukkan tersebut?) |
demonstrative adjective (this, that, these, those): menerangkan noun dalam hal jarak dan/atau jumlah
Those apples are so red.
(Apel-apel itu sangat merah.) |
possessive adjective (my, your, his, her, its, our, dan their): menunjukkan kepemilikan
Your jacket is in the laundry basket.
(Jaketmu di dalam keranjang cucian. |
General determiner mungkin dipadukan dengan singular/plural countable noun atau uncountable noun dengan rumus sebagai berikut.
General Determiner
Contoh Noun Phrase
general determiner + singular countable noun
a & an (indefinite articles)
a book, an apple
another (difference word)
another man
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any, no (quantifier)
any report, no journey
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each, every, neither (distributive)
each pair, every student, neither spoon (nor fork)
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determiner + plural countable noun
all, both (distributive)
all books, several magazines
some, any, no, many, few, several (quantifier)
some people, any new books, no jobs, many clothes, few activities
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other (difference words)
other tasks
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enough, more, most
enough dollars, more tips, most batteries
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determiner + uncountable noun
all (distributive)
all furniture
some, any, no, little, less, much (quantifier)
some paper, any time, no money, little information, less sugar, much coffee
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more, most, enough
more advice, most cheese, enough money
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